Monday, May 11, 2009

Do i acknowledge her passing? ex-husband and i went through a bitter nasty divorce 2 years ago. we are only still in contact because we have 2 kids. He hates me and is still extremely bitter. His mother passed away on friday, and I sent him a text msg offerring my sympathy (he wont accept my actual telephone calls. ) Anyway, my question it okay for me to sendf flowers to the service, or since i am not part of the family anymore...just let it go...?

Do i acknowledge her passing?
It might be better for you to maybe take the to the burial site after everything is done. There is no sense in causing more heartache to the family if you guys have problems, but you definitly have a right to morn her. You can also get flowers sent to the grave after the fact. Were the kids close to the grandma? If so offer to let the husband or some other family memeber that you trust to take the kids to the funeral.
Reply:I think it would depend on your relationship with your ex-mother in law. It would show a lot of class if you did send flowers. Ask the florist for something small but not too small and tastefully done.
Reply:yes, i would. Just because you divorced the husband doesn't mean that you divorced the family
Reply:I think it'd be appropriate to send flowers to the service. If you think it would be disruptive, then don't sign your name to the card. I wouldn't recommend sending flowers to his house or directly to any family member.
Reply:You could send flowers. If you think it would upset him, just sign the kids names.
Reply:I would send flowers if I felt the need to. Don't do it to show that you are the "bigger person" Only send them if you are truly sympathetic to what he and his family is going through. The bottom line is, she is your childrens grandmother and you have the right to pay your respects, and that of your children as well. Good luck!
Reply:You do what your heart leads you to do.You did the right thing.Too bad hes not mature enough to be reseptive and let the past go.
Reply:Follow your heart and do what you feel is right.It's OK to send flowers it will show your respect and you will be the bigger person.
Reply:Given what you told us in the question, my gut reaction is to leave it as a text message only. Unless the kids were close to her, and old enough to understand.

Good luck.
Reply:Depends on your relationship with your ex mother inlaw, I would

out of respect for her and the fact that she has grand kids with you I would most definatley do it.

Make sure your kids if old enough understand what is going on and they have closure even if you just putt the kids names on the flowers that is better.
Reply:Hey, just because he's bitter doesn't mean you can't show your respects.
Reply:Did his mother like you? If she did, I would send flowers out of respect for her, if not, let it go.
Reply:What was your relationship with her like? What was you childre's relationship with her like? This should have nothing to do with you relationship to your ex. This is between you and her and your children and her! Forget he ever existed.

Sorry time to grow up and realize that the universe does not revolve around you and your ex!
Reply:He hates you? Then he doesn't want to hear from you, but is there anyone else in the family you were close to that DOESN"T hate you? If so, then send them the flowers but don't push it with him, he'll only be ugly about what is meant to be a nice gesture anyway.
Reply:Your kids are still part of the family, why not send flowers with all your names on it. Your kids didn't divorce their grandmother. By all means, send flowers.
Reply:You should send flowers and attend the funeral. She is the grandmother of your children. This is really about the children and showing respect and love for their grandmother.
Reply:I would send flowers and be the bigger person.
Reply:Your not part of the family anymore but ur kids are, so send them and sign their names to the card.. and if its about u recieving recognition.. everyone will know ur children didnt actually buy them so even with out ur name they all know they are from u
Reply:I would just let it go. There is a reason why he will not answer his phone when you call, he doesn't want to talk to you. It is not nice of you to even text him at this time in his life. He does not need anymore grief than hes got now. Do you really wants to think about his failed marriage when his mom just died?

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