Monday, May 11, 2009

Is sending a thank you card a proper response?

Here's the deal....we had a death in our immediate family (my mother-in-law). We traveled out of state to attend the funeral and to settle her affairs. We have sent thank you cards to everyone who sent flowers, who helped with preparations, etc. We received numerous sympathy cards from co-workers and friends.

My question is this ... is it proper to send a thank-you card in response to a sympathy card? Or do we simply accept the cards with no response from us?

Is sending a thank you card a proper response?
You send thank you cards to the people who .....signed the "book" to thank them for coming....the people who sent flowers...the people who did anything to help your family.

You can thank people who sent cards when you see them but a thank you card is not necessary.
Reply:It's not necessary to send thank you's in response to sympathy cards but it is a nice jesture if you do.It sounds like you've sent all the ones that are really necessary.
Reply:go with what is in your heart to do, i personally did not send thank you cards in response to sympathy cards when my father in law passed away last year. but if you feel you should do it.
Reply:I don't believe that you need to send a thank you card for a card that you received unless they sent you any type of money of gift
Reply:what r u askin? reply is must...%26amp; with your signature( not just a printed card)
Reply:I really think it is cause then they know that you received it and that lets them know that you appreciate there sympathy to all that has happen to you and your family
Reply:In my opinion, it was okay to send those cards
Reply:accept the cards no thank you card after that
Reply:You should send a thank you card just because they went out of their way to send you a sympathy card. If you are close to people you can call them and thank them personally for the card but for people whom you don't know so well you can just send them a thank you for your sympathies card so that they don't think you are ungrateful.
Reply:My grandfather just passed away last week and we also recieved lots of sympathy cards and we haven't sent out any thank you cards. when my mother's father(my other grandfather) passed away last year i don't remember sending any out.
Reply:It is entirely proper (and expected). Simply thank them for their kind thoughts, prayers, etc....Don't say "Thanks for the card"
Reply:It is not necessary to send thank you notes to anyone sending a simple sympathy card. If however, money was enclosed for a memorial gift then one is appropriate. I'm sorry for your loss.


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