Monday, May 11, 2009

What shall I do with my so-called friend? I was burgled a week before Xmas and I told my friend this via?

my mobile. She said she'll come and see me on Wednesday and she never arrived. I then texted her and said I'd waited in all night to see her as she'd promised and was so looking forward to it, as I was extremely upset, as everything was stolen including all presents. I've heard no more from her. When she got burgled 3 years ago, I was straight round to her house with flowers and words of comfort and sympathy, but now it's my turn I've not heard or seen from her. What should I do? I had an Xmas present to give her this year, but unfortunately the burglars stole it. We usually exchange presents, but she never had a thing to give me this Xmas, and don't know why.

What shall I do with my so-called friend? I was burgled a week before Xmas and I told my friend this via?
I think you hit the nail on the head 'so called friend'.

Not worth the bothering about if she isn't there to support you when you need her.

And what an awful thing to happen to you just before Xmas, may 2007 be kinder to you.
Reply:Bummer - sorry to hear about your burglary. Your 'friend' doesn't sound very nice and certainly isn't supporting you. Does she know how upset you are? Perhaps you need to be honest and open with her and say you could really do with her support and are feeling really down at the moment? Good luck - I hope she comes round to see you and support you. If she doesn't could you speak to other friends and family about your feelings? Chin up!
Reply:Sympathies about your burglary. Either something has happened to your friend or she's no longer your friend. Maybe you could get in touch with a relative of your friend or someone else you both know.
Reply:omg I'm so sorry how awful for you and at such a special time of the year! personally i would discount this person as a friend, she done nothing for you and doesn't deserve you. Hopefully you will piece your life together soon without her so called help, one day she'll need you and you know what to do! sit back and do nothing! good luck xx
Reply:Firstly, sorry to hear you've been burgled. It's not a very pleasant experience, as your so called friend should know. Secondly. Who needs enemies when you have friends like this. Your friend seems not to care about you. You deserve better. Dump her and find yourself some real true friends who will be there for you when you need them. Good luck.
Reply:Perhaps your burglery bought back how she felt when it happened to her and she got spooked? Maybe a txt to ask her what is going on might get to to bottom of things.
Reply:maybe you should look no further for the culprit they say when you get burgled its usually someone you know sad friend is all i can say.
Reply:Well just hold on for a sec here, it could be something came up you never know.
Reply:iam extremely sorry to hear that.i think she is not your true friend as she is really using you for her own should talk to her and solve the matter 'mano-a-mano' and say that the friendship isn't worth it .
Reply:maybe she is weening off of you...... you should her first....
Reply:Have you actually talked to any of her relatives? Sounds a bit odd that you haven't heard from her at all. I'd check to make sure she's ok before getting too angry with her.

If you find that she is ok, doesn't have any worries of her own and is simply not replying to your messages or phone calls then I would drop her like a ton of bricks. Friends should be there for one another, it shouldn't be just one sided!!
Reply:perhaps your friend had something to do with the burglary?
Reply:I gave up trying to understand human weakness many years ago. When presented with a situation there are many people who are too weak to speak their minds and instead agreed with a point someone makes or enter into an arrangement that they later wiggle out of or just ignore. These people are best ostracised and left to the company of similar shallow individuals.

It may sound harsh but plan your life on the assumption that you stand alone and rely only on yourself. If you do find the occasional person that is worth getting close to, learn his or her weaknesses so that you can avoid disappointment.
Reply:I say she's not a real friend............

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